MAK Intent to Promote

Helping Parent's build Successful Student in Coordination with Teachers

MAK Intent to Promote

Integrating MAK with Teachers, Parents, and Martial Arts - Because we Can.

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Self Defense

One of the core features of our classes for all ages is Self Defense. They Get It!

Teen and Adult Karate

At MAK, its never been just for Children. Since 1994 our Teen and Adult programs have always been Awesome!

We are THE areas Children Martial Arts Program

We have classes starting at age 2 1/2, and have a class for every age and skill level.

MAK's Professional Demonstration Team

We have done demonstrations in 5 states and 4 countries. We can do one for you too!

Summer and Vacation Day Camps at MAK

We have single day, week long and drop off summer days camps at MAK!

Sport Karate

MAK has had a winning Sport Karate Team from our first year.

Fitness Kickboxing at MAK

We have our own Kickboxing Fitness program, and we have classes morning and evening.

Tai Chi

MAK takes its Tai Chi program on the road to Retirment and Nursing homes, businesses and schools. We even have seated Tai Chi.

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Changing Lives Every Day
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Using the Intent to Promote Forms

Frequently, MAK instructors have been used as a hammer or threat to create a change in behavior, and that is part of the plan. However, at times, a student might need more of a tangible method that has the appearance of both control, their own control, and justice, a verifiable system that they understand. The Intent to Promote form was designed for those times. We have 3 ways the form has been successfully used in the past, and will adapt to your needs if a new methods are required:

1) School and Home Intent to Promote

This form has been used when:

A) Student needs to understand the integration of behavior and effort between home and school, and has a behavior noticed by teachers at school that is not correcting itself. (Complete Intent to Promote)

B) A parent  has noticed that there is a studying, homework, or attitude discontinuity or problem and wants a tool to gage improvement.

The first form, Intent to promote Home and School, has a section to be filled out by both academic teachers and parents. If your child is a home school student, then one segment is focused on school work and one on deportment at home.

Parents love it.  Teachers love it.  Children are being held accountable, not just for what happens in the martial arts school, but for his/her behavior and attitude at home and school. The use of this form has had a remarkable impact on the public perception of our martial arts schools.  I could not’t have imagined the paradigm shift that was going to take place in the minds of teachers as a result of this tool. Some teachers, who had previously thought we were teaching kids violence, are now recommending our program to parents.  Not only because of the Intent to Promote form, but also because of the change they have seen in these young martial artists. To use this form, download the form by clicking HERE, and fill it out with the child and ask their school teacher to fill it out, and then have them give it to their instructor. Then download another one in a week, and we will compare the results with you and your child.

2) Home Only Intent to Promote

A) The student is acting out an unacceptable behavior at home, and the parents guardians want to tie their performance at karate to improved behavior at home.

B) The student needs to know that their karate instructor is responsive to the parent, thus giving the parent the power to determine if their child should be eligible for a stripe test of a pronto.

The second form, Intent to promote - Home,, is used when a parent want to activate the power to tie behavior at home to success at karate. Download the form by clicking HERE, and fill it out with the child, and have them give it to their instructor. Then download another one in a week, and we will compare the results with you and your child.

3) School Only Intent to Promote

The student is willfully acting out at school and you want to integrate school effort, as defined by their teacher at school, to their progressing at MAK. This form gives the power to their teacher.

The third form, Intent to promote - School,, is used when a parent want to activate the power to tie behavior at home to success at karate. Download the form by clicking HERE, and fill it out with the child, and have them give it to their instructor. Then download another one in a week, and we will compare the results with you and your child.

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